
Resident Representatives


Interior Health Resident Representative 

Two IH Resident Representatives will be selected from amongst the Interior Health Pharmacy Residents during the Program Orientation Rotation.

  • One Interior Health Resident Representative-Kamloops Pod
  • One Interior Health Resident Representative-Kelowna Pod

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Liaise with other Residency Program Resident Representatives to organize a social event as part of Evidence Based Practice Rotation and provide support as needed to residents as part of this rotation.
  • Member of the Residency Advisory Committee as outlined in the Terms of Reference
  • Represent residents' views on the Residency Advisory Committee
  • Collate feedback or opinions from residents as requested by the Program Coordinator
  • Ensure videoconferencing is set-up at the beginning of each Academic Half Day session that requires videoconferencing.  The IH Resident Representatives will work together to coordinate and designate another resident to fulfil this role when on rotation outside KGH/RIH.
  • Support the BC Chief Resident in moderating the BC Case Presentations, as needed for the BC Case Presentations.
  • Coordinate the selection of the Preceptor of the Year Award at the end of the residency year 

Selection Process

During the Program Orientation Rotation, the residents will select from amongst themselves, by whatever process they think is appropriate, two IH Resident Representatives.  The residents will notify the Program Coordinator at the end of the Program Orientation Rotation, who the Resident Representatives will be. This position is distinct from that of the BC Chief Resident and the same person could hold both positions.  


BC Chief Resident

Two BC Chief Residents will be chosen from amongst all BC Pharmacy Residents during the Evidence Based Practice Rotation.  Responsibilities of the BC Chief Resident.



-Last updated June 10, 2024